Se non ti piace, non devi mangiare. ^_^

Age 35, Male

Norwich University

Easton, PA

Joined on 4/5/09

Exp Points:
490 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.93 votes
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Well, I finally did a thing. I made a game! Just a quick little jaunt, took about five days in between work and other things, but it was a fun way to get used to programming, using a game engine, etc. It's a game where you control a guy I've called Hideki to take pictures of cherry blossoms before they're gone for the season. I'd love to hear any constructive criticism you might have, because I had a lot of fun making it, and I'd like to get better at game design in the future.

If you'd like to check it out, go to the games page on my profile to check it out!

Note: I created it using Godot Engine, and I had a little bit of trouble viewing the game with a Mac using Safari. If the "prevent website cross-checking" option is enabled, there is an error and the game won't load. Disabling this option allows the game to be played, and I haven't had any other problems as of this writing. I'll be looking into this to see if I can find a way to fix this problem in the future.

Thanks again everyone!

Recent Game Medals

12,910 Points

4 Levels 5 Points

Complete 4 levels.

Bathroom Break 10 Points

Use The Toilet

My Favourite! 100 Points

Eat a Schnitzel

The Doktor is Here 10 Points

Treat Your First Patient

Whoops 10 Points

Fail To Treat a Patient

Ouch! 10 Points

Take Damage

Sick 10 Points

Catch a Virus

Evacuate 10 Points

Escape the black hole.

Malfunction 5 Points

Deplete your ships energy.

Consumed 5 Points

Get sucked into the black hole.

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